16 research outputs found

    Software Metrics in Boa Large-Scale Software Mining Infrastructure: Challenges and Solutions

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    In this paper, we describe our experience implementing some of classic software engineering metrics using Boa - a large-scale software repository mining platform - and its dedicated language. We also aim to take an advantage of the Boa infrastructure to propose new software metrics and to characterize open source projects by software metrics to provide reference values of software metrics based on large number of open source projects. Presented software metrics, well known and proposed in this paper, can be used to build large-scale software defect prediction models. Additionally, we present the obstacles we met while developing metrics, and our analysis can be used to improve Boa in its future releases. The implemented metrics can also be used as a foundation for more complex explorations of open source projects and serve as a guide how to implement software metrics using Boa as the source code of the metrics is freely available to support reproducible research.Comment: Chapter 8 of the book "Software Engineering: Improving Practice through Research" (B. Hnatkowska and M. \'Smia{\l}ek, eds.), pp. 131-146, 201

    Genital psoriasis: a hidden multidisciplinary problem — a review of literature

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    Genital psoriasis is a variety of autoimmune dermatological disease — psoriasis with relapsing-remitting course, which can have an onset in all age groups. It is most often diagnosed at an advanced stage. Genital psoriasis is considered an embar­rassing condition and is often misjudged as a sexually transmitted disease or allergic reaction due to low social awareness of the disease. The manifestations of genital psoriasis may differ from typical genital dermatoses and with symptoms such as itch, erythroderma and vaginal discharge may mimic other diseases at an early stage. The diagnosis and treatment of genital psoriasis may be difficult and often requires a multidisciplinary approach. The aim of this article is to present the literature review of genital psoriasis concentrating on the clinical presentation, treatment and influence on the quality of patients’ life and sexual activity disorders

    Bus accessibility of polish gminas

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    Celem głównym artykułu jest diagnoza stanu dostępności transportem autobusowym gmin w Polsce obliczonej za pomocą modelu potencjału. Analiza została przeprowadzona z uwzględnieniem możliwości przesiadek. Możliwe stało się porównanie dostępności autobusowej z dostępnością transportem indywidualnym zarówno dla krótkich, jak i długich podróży, co pozwoliło na rozpoznanie obszarów (gmin), gdzie jest szczególnie niekorzystna sytuacja w zakresie dostępności transportem autobusowym w porównaniu do transportu indywidualnego. W relacji do transportu indywidualnego „punkt ciężkości” dostępności w podróżach długich przesuwa się w kierunku Polski południowo-wschodniej. Bipolarny i heksagonalny układ wyższej dostępności widoczny w transporcie indywidualnym traci na znaczeniu na rzecz układu wyraźniej akcentującego rolę Lublina i Rzeszowa i wzajemnych powiązań ośrodków Polski centralnej i południowo-wschodniej.The main goal of the article is to diagnose the accessibility of municipalities by bus transport in Poland calculated using the potential model. The analysis was carried out taking into account the possibility of transfers. It has become possible to compare bus accessibility with the accessibility by individual transport for both short and long trips, which allowed to identify areas (municipalities), where there is a particularly unfavorable situation in terms of accessibility by bus in relation to individual transport. For bus transport the “center of gravity” of accessibility is shifting towards south-eastern Poland. Bipolar and hexagonal system of higher accessibility visible in individual transport is losing importance for a system that more clearly emphasizes the role of Lublin and Rzeszow and the interconnectedness of central and south-eastern Poland

    genital psoriasis a hidden multidisciplinary problem a review of literature

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    Genital psoriasis is a variety of autoimmune dermatological disease — psoriasis with relapsing-remitting course, which can have an onset in all age groups. It is most often diagnosed at an advanced stage. Genital psoriasis is considered an embar­rassing condition and is often misjudged as a sexually transmitted disease or allergic reaction due to low social awareness of the disease. The manifestations of genital psoriasis may differ from typical genital dermatoses and with symptoms such as itch, erythroderma and vaginal discharge may mimic other diseases at an early stage. The diagnosis and treatment of genital psoriasis may be difficult and often requires a multidisciplinary approach. The aim of this article is to present the literature review of genital psoriasis concentrating on the clinical presentation, treatment and influence on the quality of patients' life and sexual activity disorders

    Predicting early brain metastases based on clinicopathological factors and gene expression analysis in advanced HER2-positive breast cancer patients

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    The overexpression or amplification of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 gene (HER2/neu) is associated with high risk of brain metastasis (BM). The identification of patients at highest immediate risk of BM could optimize screening and facilitate interventional trials. We performed gene expression analysis using complementary deoxyribonucleic acid-mediated annealing, selection, extension and ligation and real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) in primary tumor samples from two independent cohorts of advanced HER2 positive breast cancer patients. Additionally, we analyzed predictive relevance of clinicopathological factors in this series. Study group included discovery Cohort A (84 patients) and validation Cohort B (75 patients). The only independent variables associated with the development of early BM in both cohorts were the visceral location of first distant relapse [Cohort A: hazard ratio (HR) 7.4, 95 % CI 2.4–22.3; p < 0.001; Cohort B: HR 6.1, 95 % CI 1.5–25.6; p = 0.01] and the lack of trastuzumab administration in the metastatic setting (Cohort A: HR 5.0, 95 % CI 1.4–10.0; p = 0.009; Cohort B: HR 10.0, 95 % CI 2.0–100.0; p = 0.008). A profile including 13 genes was associated with early (≤36 months) symptomatic BM in the discovery cohort. This was refined by qRT-PCR to a 3-gene classifier (RAD51, HDGF, TPR) highly predictive of early BM (HR 5.3, 95 % CI 1.6–16.7; p = 0.005; multivariate analysis). However, predictive value of the classifier was not confirmed in the independent validation Cohort B. The presence of visceral metastases and the lack of trastuzumab administration in the metastatic setting apparently increase the likelihood of early BM in advanced HER2-positive breast cancer

    Assessment of the quality of life of a patient with multiple sclerosis - case study

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    Wstęp: Stwardnienie rozsiane to przewlekła, zapalna choroba OUN. Występuje przeważnie pomiędzy 20 a 40 rokiem życia, częściej u kobiet. Choroba znacznie wpływa na życie chorych poprzez zmniejszanie ich sprawności fizycznej oraz obniżając jakość życia.Cel pracy: Praca ma charakter kazuistyczny. Jej celem była analiza jakości życia pacjentki chorej na stwardnienie rozsiane oraz opracowanie planu opieki pielęgniarskiej.Materiał i metody: W pracy zastosowano metodę studium indywidualnego przypadku. Podmiotem badania była kobieta chora na postać rzutowo-remisyjną SM.W badaniu wykorzystano następujące techniki: obserwacja, wywiad, analiza dokumentacji medycznej oraz wykonanie pomiarów: tętna, saturacji oraz ciśnienia tętniczego krwi. Narzędziami badawczymi użytymi w pracy były: autorski kwestionariusz wywiadu pielęgniarskiego, Skala Barthel, Skala EQ-5D-5L, Skala depresji Beck’a, Skala SWLS, Skala AIS oraz Skala WHOQOL-BREF.Wyniki: Zaobserwowano obniżenie jakości życia badanej pacjentki. Dominantami, które najbardziej wpłynęły na zaniżenie jakości życia były dominanta psychiczna (15 pkt.)i fizyczna (16 pkt.) wg skali WHOQOL-BREF. U badanej stwierdzono występowanie depresji w stopniu słabym (skala Becka-16pkt). Swój stan zdrowia oceniła na dobry (Skala EQ-5D-5L-4,2pkt.), natomiast jej zdolności do samoopieki zostały określone jako bardzo dobre (Skala Barthel-95pkt.). Pacjentka akceptowała swoją chorobę (Skala AIS-35pkt.) oraz była zadowolona z życia (Skala SWLS-35pkt.).Wnioski: Jakość życia pacjentki była obniżona, jednak akceptowała swoją chorobę oraz była zadowolona ze swojego życia. W opiece pielęgniarskiej nad chorą należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę na aspekt psychiczny, gdyż w największym stopniu wpływał na jakość życia.Intoduction: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflamatory disease of the central nervous system. It appears mainly beetween 20 and 40 years old, it’s more common in women.The ilness has a significant impact on the lives of sick people by reducing physical fitness and their quality of life. Purpose of the thesis: The thesis is casuistic. Its goal was to analyze the quality of life of the patient diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and to recognize her care problems.Material and methods: Method of the case study was used to write this thesis.The subject of the study was a woman suffering from relapsing-remitting MS.The research techniques that were used includes: interview with the patient, analysisof the medical documentation, taking measurements. Research tools that were used are: original nursing interview questionnaire, Barthel Scale, EQ-5D-5L Scale, Beck’s depression Scale, SWLS Scale, AIS Scale and WHOQOL-BREF Scale.Results: A decrease in the quality of life was observed in the described patientand the aspect that affected the quality of life the most was psychological feature (15 pt.) and physical feature (16 pt.) according to WHOQOL-BREF Scale. The patient was found to have mild depression (Beck's scale-16 points). She assessed her health as good (EQ-5D-5L Scale-4.2 points), while her ability to self-care were described as very good (Barthel Scale-95 points). The patient accepts her illness (AIS Scale-35 points) and is satisfied with her life (SWLS Scale-35 points).Conclusions: The quality of life of the patient is lowered but she is acceptingher disease and she is satisfied with her physical condition. During nursing carefor the patient, special attention should be paid to taking care of the psychological aspect, because it has the greatest impact on the quality of her life

    Gender Differences in Cardiovascular Risk Profile in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients with Low Disease Activity

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    Objective. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have an excess risk of cardiovascular (CV) disease (CVD). The objective of the study was to compare CV risk profile in female and male RA patients with low disease activity. Materials and Methods. The study group consisted of 70 RA patients with continuous low disease activity and no CVD (54 women, 16 men) and 33 healthy controls of comparable age. The groups were assessed for blood pressure, serum amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), carotid intima media thickness (cIMT), electrocardiography, ejection fraction (EF), and diastolic dysfunction (DD). Results. Significantly higher burden of atherosclerosis, as revealed by higher cIMT, was found in males [0.93 (0.2) mm] vs females [0.80 (0.2) mm]. The risk of 10-year CVD was significantly higher in men than in women with RA. High/very high risk of fatal CVD was found in 62.5% of male patients. Males were significantly more often current/ex-smokers and had lower HDL-cholesterol and higher atherogenic index. There were no significant differences in NT-proBNP, QTc duration, and parameters of EF and DD. Conclusions. In RA patients with continued low disease activity, a higher burden of atherosclerosis was found in males than in females. The data suggest a significant impact of traditional CV risk factors

    Multimodal Evaluation of Changes in National Potential Passenger and Freight Accessibility during the EU-Driven Big Push to Transport Infrastructure

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    The main purpose of the paper is to present a methodical approach to differences in changes in intra-national potential accessibility. Research concerns level of accessibility and its dispersion, both for freight and passenger transport regarding four transport modes. The main added value of the paper is an indication of how to monitor changes in the accessibility of many modes of transport at the municipal level, as a result of investment processes, while taking into account the available data sources, both on the land use data and travel times, with the support of regional and central offices. We focus on the intensive development of transport infrastructure after Poland’s accession to the EU. We conclude that outcomes of reducing territorial differences in accessibility are diverse depending on the transport mode: from a generally positive effect in passenger transport to varied effects in freight transport, including particularly highly polarising effects in rail transport. The research method provides the possibility of analysing multimodal changes in accessibility concerning numerous transport modes for any large country or group of countries. Certain development opportunities of the model to be implemented in the future are discussed